The Atmospheric Dispersion Wiki belongs to the family of Wikia. The picture below shows the structure of a page on the Atmospheric Dispersion Wiki. The page can appear differently, depending on the skin you select. We have used the traditional Monobook skin. The skin can be changed by a link in the upper right corner.
Use the Main Page as a fixed point
You can use the Main Page as a fixed point. A link to the Main Page appears in the upper left menu on every page.
Many of the pages on the Atmospheric Dispersion Wiki are classified according to category.
At most pages, a link at the bottom leads to an index of pages in the same category.
Another link at the bottom - labelled Categories - leads to an index of all categories.
Authors seeking help on categories should consult the page Help on Categories.
Special pages
On every page, there is a link to Special pages. When the Monobook skin is used (the picture), the link appears in the menu on the left (in the section toolbox). There are many different kinds of special pages, e.g. lists of popular pages.