Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling

See also:

Model evaluation: Top-level page in hiearchy on model evaluation.

Experimental data sets: Top-level page in hierarchy on data sets.


This page summarises in list form some pitfalls that persons working with quality assurance of dispersion models should pay attention to. The list does not pretend to be comprehensive, but only highlights some problems.

The list is a spin-off from COST 732.

Feel free to elaborate on the list or add more pitfalls to it.

General advice

Some seemingly trivial issues concerning units frequently lead to errors: Make sure that parameters are in the units you think they are! Be careful, and further use common sense and plausibility checks. In particular, conventions concering time can cause problems: Are indicated times in UTC, in local time, or in Daylight Saving Time? Is a time stamp referring to the beginning or the end of the sampling period?
